Latest update... Gabby is landing her Lutz...most times anyway. She just has to work on smoothing it out and picking up speed. She just skates and BOINK, FLIP, SPIN...lutz. She is really, really close to landing her Axel as well. She can land it in the harness Dorothy says but is working on the ice. Yes, it's a mental thing I hear. Go Gabby! Take your time and do it right and just skate one foot in front of the other.
We had a chance to watch "testing" last weekend. It was really interesting with the atmosphere really tense. It is like a competition but very, very, "dry" is the word I would use. Everyone dresses up and they get called out by group for a warm up and then called individually by name to perform their moves in the field. The judges are right in front making their notes and will often ask a skater to reskate a particular movement and then mark it up. I've learned from Mort that the judges will not only watch the skater's arms, body, posture and feet but they will also listen to the noise the skates make. They can tell which edge the skater is using and whether they are too far back or forward or whatever.
We had our send off for Katy Taylor on Friday. She skated her short program for the kids in the skate club. Gabby (and others) were just awed and stuck like glue to the windows as Katy went by. She is so fast and quick! It was amazing to watch her mature for the past year. We've only been really watching her since last year when Gabby skated at the Galleria and Dorothy introduced us to her. She took pictures with Gabby and they talked for a little bit. I also see Katy and her mom Tammy at Miss Margaret's all the time. They have a grueling schedule and I see them at the rink pretty much all the time. I think all the hard work is paying off as KT is on her way to The Hague, Netherlands in a couple of weeks to compete in "Worlds" - World Championship. We just call it "Worlds" in skating lingo to be cool. The Worlds are held every year except the 4th year in which case it's an Olympic year and they have the Olympics instead of the Worlds. KT is part of the US Skating Team and qualified for the team earlier this year. You have to win at several levels (sectionals and divisionals) to make the National team and then THAT team goes to either Worlds or the Olympics. I believe if you have skated in the Olympics you no longer have to "qualify" to make the national teams - that's why Todd, Michelle, Sasha are there every year and not at the local level slugging it out. I have to look it up in the rule book and
Speaking of Dorothy (ha), she measured Gabby for her practice dress and competition dress today. Ooo...pretty dresses from the very talented Miss Margaret and Mr. John. The dresses will make their debut at the Skate Houston competition next month.
By the way, Frank Carroll (spelling), will be in town next month to give some teachings to the younger whipperschnappers. Frank is the former coach of the very beautiful and talented Michelle Kwan. He's only taking students that can land their jumps so Gabby is getting to go. Hmm... It's a toss up because of the job situation whether Gabby will do the Frank Carroll seminar or the Summer program. Oh! The Summer Program - almost forgot. The Summer Program is being put together (May 1st and 2nd) as a salute to the Summer Olympics. Ta-dah! The show will highlight such events as Archery - on ice. THIS ought to be interesting. Anyway, it means more ice time for the Gabster and she really wants to do it. We'll see.
Gabby and Joel had a great time on Sunday by the way. We rode the metro rail train to downtown and walked around. Okay, the train thing was a pretty good idea. Going downtown was not so hot because just about everything was closed. We ended up enjoying our time at the museum and walking through the park. Luckily we made it out before the rain started. The most fun we had? Throwing rocks at the ducks. Okay, not the ducks NECESSARILY but the water...the ducks were just there. No we didn't BEAN any ducks! We were just skipping rocks. Sometimes Kids just need to be kids.
Until next time...
Gabby Nieto
Gabby Nieto is a 12 year old skater from Sugar Land, Texas. This is her dad's way of keeping up with Gabby and her skating.
Monday, February 23, 2004
Monday, February 09, 2004
Oh my goodness! I have really been slacking off on the blog. Sorry! Let's see....a Super Bowl has come and gone. We, of course, were in the middle of the parties downtown. Gabby was with us for the first day but on the other days, we just thought that "nah" - she's too little for all these whackos. We took in some great music and took some pictures. It was just so COLD and gray that it was kinda of hard to have a really good time. I don't know why they can't wait until the Spring to have the game. The temperature was about 40. (oh, boo-hoo!)
By the way, Gabby's pre-pre test has been pushed back until April. Her spiral is a little shaky and her edges need to be a little cleaner. She's working on them to get ready. We even have to do leg excercises every morning and evening to get her spiral straightened out. Ms. Kathryn has given Gabby "homework" to get her leg strength up. Ms. Dorothy is also keeping an eye on her edges and making sure she's really prepared well.