Woo-hoo...one more day until the competition. I forgot to mention that this week is Gabby's and Joel's SPRING break. Unfortunately, I have to work this year. However, I am taking off tomorrow so that I can be there all day for the competition. Today, Gabby took off this morning to go BOWLING with Kids R Kids. She's been having fun all week and really enjoying the break. On Monday morning, she was walking out of the house with her book bag and backpack when we reminded her that it's SPRING BREAK!
Mr. John and Miss Margaret are busy over at Skate Texas. Gabby's skates are being sharpened and the final touches are being made to her dress. I think Dorothy said they started on Monday. Wow, they work fast over there. :)
Did I mention that practice ice starts tomorrow at 6:30 AM!!! Ay, so EARLY! Well, at least it will be morning and quiet - I think. At least it will be morning.
If anyone can make it GREAT, if not, I understand. I'll post the results here when we get them. HOPEFULLY, Gabby will place in the top 3... I'm not sure because THIS is a big competition and this is her first as a USFSA member. I know the level of competition is stiffer here than in previous ISI events.
I read on a little girls skate bag the other day... "It's not every 4 years, it's EVERY day." Sounds kind of ominous...but it's true.
Gabby Nieto
Gabby Nieto is a 12 year old skater from Sugar Land, Texas. This is her dad's way of keeping up with Gabby and her skating.
Thursday, March 18, 2004
Sunday, March 14, 2004
Well, today Gabby had her seminar with the "Great One" - Frank Carroll. What an impression that feller can make. Everone was a buzz with the training session. There were skaters from all over the place - Houston, Dallas, La Porte, and everyplace in between. The coaches, staff -- everyone was anticipating a great session. We weren't let down. Although, like everyone there, I WISH he had spent more time with Gabby in individual coaching (LOL). As it was, he did spend about 5 minutes with Gabby and personal coaching - like holding her leg and correcting her stance, etc. The rest of the time he demonstrated to the class what he wanted them to do, what he was looking for, and what they should be looking for. He also talked about skating in general - why do it, why keep at it, kind of stuff. These are things young heads full of mush need to hear. Inspiration is a good thing as it feeds tenancity and determination - which is the basis for winners. The road to wherever Gabby is going in this skating thing is a long one. And, that for me, is okay. It's not a sprint or a race, I look at it like a marathon. Take the slow and steady pace and we'll get where we're going. There were a lot of girls on the ice that were very impressive - they can do their jumps and their spins and they can skate awfully fast. Gabby was always the one toward the end of the pack - not as fast as the others. And, that's okay. She worked on her technique...making sure her legs were stretched and her back was straight and her edges were good. I applaude that because these are the building blocks of her skating. If she doesn't get these right - then it doesn't matter. As Frank pointed out to the girls, skating isn't ALL about jumps, spins, etc. sometimes it's about getting across the ice.
The day started today at the very early hour of 5:30am. Okay, that's normal time for everyday around here. Gabby rolled out of bed and straight into her skating dress. She then had her breakfast and were at the rink at 6:45am.
At the end of the session, Gabby took a picture with Frank and reminded me that we forgot her autograph bear - RATS!
Gabby has her friend Diana staying over this evening. So far, they are having TONS of fun and the last I saw them - there were running around up stairs chasing Kat, Kitty, or whatever name that cat answers to. That cat will play with Gabby like I've never seen. Earlier this evening, Gabby had the cat in the baby carriage and was pushing him around. It didn't seem to phase the cat in the least. Of course, when I reached for the cat, he tries to bite ME. That little bag of fur...one of these days, POW, right in the kisser.
Saturday, March 13, 2004
By the way, Gabby's schedule has now changed on Fridays. Where she had the night off, she is now getting ready for the "Salute to the Olympics", and Texas Gulf Coast club ice. She really enjoys the club ice as she and Katlin get to out there and show off their "stuff". I saw Gabby doing her axel thing and double-toe loops and tip toes on the ice. Pretty cool looking. It also gives her a chance to try some of the "big girl" stuff without necessarily working on her routine (don't tell Miss Dorothy). Nah, she does her routine but she watches the girls and tries the spread eagle thing and the reverse spiral.
Speaking of skating backwards, one of the little girls suffered a gash on her leg. She's a little older than Gabby and she was standing near the boards talking to her friends. All of sudden one of the bigger teenagers was skating backwards - pretty fast - going through her routine when she collided with the little girl. Her skate cut the little girl and gave her 9 stitches! Ouch! There was not so much as an "I'm sorry".
I hate that attitude with some of the older girls. I heard that one of the skaters was complaining to her friend in the bathroom that she "hates it when all the little kids skate" because they just get in the way. Uh-huh. That happened to Gabby at the beginning and was told to "stand aside" and let the big girls come through. Gabby got off the ice crying and we told her to get back on there and tell that teenager that she just as much right to be on the ice as her and that was earned the right to be there. After that, not much was said. Mr. John said Gabby should have pointed at her skate and said, "You see these points, they can hurt.". Good point John - but this is not hockey. This is the elegant sport and pageantry of figure skating. We wait until they get to the parking lot. HA,HA!! Okay, just kidding. But, just like play ground bullies, you got to stand up to them. Besides, I think Gabby could take them using the wrestling moves Joel taught her. Of course, she might need a chair...and a bat.
An update on the little girl who as cut, she got 9 stitches and fortunately, or unfortunately, it's above the boot. Fortunately, is that the stitches won't hurt when she skates. Unfortunately, if the blade had hit the boot, she probably wouldn't have been cut. Val told me that the little girl was back to skating. Val also mentioned that some of the teenagers are practicing a "reverse spiral" - ala Sasha - where they skate backwards with their legs extended. Unlike Sasha, the girls can't get their legs perfectly perpendicular to the ice so the legs come up about 60 degrees...which is right about face and neck level. This would make for a very nasty cut and Val said he had seen several clothes calls with Elena nearly getting cut. The older, bratty, teenagers better look over their shoulders because there is a great crop of little skaters on their heels.
Speaking of the up and coming skaters, there were some REALLY good skaters last night during the club exhibition. Really good stuff and a lot to inspire the little skaters like Gabby. It's so hard to really judge how old these girls are - who are teenagers and who are tweeners and who are just kids. They all look older when costumes on and then again, some are really petite and it's hard to judge. I just think we have the best coaches in Sugar Land without a doubt.
Well, time to finish up today's update. I'm heading outside to plant some bushes so that they can die again (ha,ha). Luckly, it rained this morning and the ground is nice and soft (and muddy). Gabby and Sally took off SHOPPING. Joel is studying for yet another big exam. He's cramming his schedule with all AP classes. You go Boy!!! He did ask me to video tape his favorite show, "The Mullets". Hmm...I can hear the banjos playing.
Friday, March 12, 2004
Oh my gosh - out of date AGAIN. I tell you I'm going to get fired as "Dad" if I don't keep this thing up.
Let's see... we went to San Antonio for a conference that I belong to. It was a regional conference on
This Sunday, Gabby will be taking some workshop lessons from Frank Caroll. Frank as you may or may not know is Michelle's Kwan's old coach. He will be having a clinic on JUMPS and SPINS. Only a handful of girls will be attending and Gabby is excited to be in the group. We have to be at the rink at 7'freakin A.M.
The groupings and the schedule finally came out for the 3 day competition being held at the rink. This the Skate Houston 2004 event. It's a big 'un.
Gabby's events are scheduled for FRIDAY, March 19th:
Rink A -
8am - Pre-Pre - Compulsary Moves
9:35am - Preliminary Spins - This is a new event for Gabby. She will be judged on how well her spins are centered, speed, flexiblity, etc...
2pm - Free Skate Program - this is when she will debut her new program, new dress, and new music. How exciting. I, OF COURSE, will be a basket case. I can't watch anymore - well, maybe.
I'm sorry that it's on a Friday because I know that most of you will not be able to make it. No worries, I will post the results here.
The next competition will be in Austin in June - unless we squeeze on in there somewhere. I think, most probably, the testing sessions for her pre-pre will come first though.
Until next time!
Uncle Joe.