One more day until Austin...
Actually, it is something like 8 hours before Gabby and Sally head out to Austin. Gabby will take the ice at noon for practice for an hour. She will use the time (supposedly) to get a feel for the ice, check out the dimensions, make sure she knows where all the soft spots are. In reality, she will be chasing Katlyn and her other friends around the rink. Ha,ha.
Gabby is snoozing not more than a foot away and I'm up working on some music projects. I want to have plenty of music for my trip when I follow 24 hours later. I have to work at the office so I'll miss her practice ice and her first two events on Friday. I will, however, be there on Saturday to catch her last event.
Joel will not be joining us this time around. He does plan on joining us for Tulsa, Oklahoma. I'm sure he doesn't look forward to the 8 hour drive or whatever it is. Of course, i'm not too thrilled about it either. Ha,ha! Oh, well, that's part of it I guess. Getting up early in the morning, heading out to the rink or in this case on the road. Ice skating. All the good stuff takes places early in the morning. It reminds me of my Uncle Oscar who was in the marines. He said for some reason or other, the Marines always travelled at night. 3am...time to get up and leave. I hope we're not like that...maybe 6am... in time for breakfast! :)
Miss Dorothy took Gabby's skates to get sharpened and we have new laces at the ready. New tights and stockings are ready. 3 dresses are ready although she'll only use two. It is always a good idea to have a back up. What else? Hmmm...a few copies of her program's music in case one goes bad. Plenty of hair products - ribbons, clips, scrunchies, rubber bands, etc. Makeup...fingers and toes painted. Lots of preparation is needed. Sally is working hard to get everything packed. Gabby has a new rollaway luggage just for her skates and dresses. It will fit just about everything she needs.
We're ready! I know Gabby will do well, so I'm not particullary worried. She's prepared and she's mentally focused.
The best thing of this competition is that all of her events will take place between 7am and 9am. Then, Gabby has the rest of the day to relax at the hotel and swim in the pool. After the cermonies on Saturday, we will leave Austin and head to San Antonio. We are going to try to take in Fiesta Texas for a day or two. Going from the ice cold ice rink to the sweltering heat of an outdoor park in Texas is a little nuts, but that's okay. We'll take lots of pictures and have a good time.
When Joel was little, we used to take him to Fiesta Texas and we would ride around in those little cars until the park closed down. I hope those little cars are still there. I'm not sure I can still squeeze into them but I'm sure Gabby and Sally will. :)
I'll post Gabby's results here next time.