Gabby is in the Paper - again!
Well, I was truly surprised and so pleased to hear that Ms. Betty Humphrey saw fit to publish another article on Gabby in the the Herald-Coaster. Yes! I wrote to Miss Betty a few weeks ago and let her know that Gabby had lander her axel and provided all the details. I just write to her to let her know how Gabby is doing because I know she likes to hear good news. I was totally suprised to see the article and did not even know about it until we gathered at Mom and Dad's on Thanksgiving! Alas, Sally is mad at me because she was not mentioned in the article. D'oh! I must remember to do that next time. Sally spends SO much time with Gabby at the rink and is getting to know everyone very well. All the families are great at the rink and we all help one another with skating kids. I don't know how we would do it with out everyone's support.
This week, Gabby has been working on the Nutcracker programs...she is in 3 separate numbers. And, MOM, is just fussing with her about her costumes and the costume changes during the play and makeup. Ha, ha! Me? Mark J. has put me in charge of props (uh-oh). This week, Larry Kaufman built for us a WONDERFUL mantel (Sally calls it a fireplace). It's a MANTEL. It's just awesome!
I am proudly building with brother Joel's help...a choo-choo train. Not just ANY choo-choo train. This one is powered by imagination. Joel explained to me that when it looks good and looks accurate - it's REALISM - an art term. When things are done out of proportion to emphasize big wheels or big's WHIMSICAL. I...have a lot of WHIMSICAL in my choo-choo. Ha,ha. Okay, imagine this... a big box...plywood box...with two shiny metal trashcans taped together...yep, that's my train. The trashcans are the "boilers" in the engine...and the plywood boxes...well, those are the cabin that the kids, er, engineers, ride in. They do kind of ride in them...Jamacian bob-sled style...ya mon!
You gotta see it. And the ONLY way to see it is at the Nutcracker. Come one, come all, buy your tickets here!