Tuesday, June 07, 2005

60th Wedding Anniversary

Grandma and Grandpa Nieto celebrated their 60th wedding anniverary just the other day. How was it celebrated? Grandma came home from the hospital. She gave us quite a scare a few weeks back (which is why I have not written). It seems that she was getting shortness of breath and a lot of fluid buildup in her legs. The good doctors at Memoria SW gave her some medicine to help with the shortness of breath and help get rid of the fluid. Mom was in the hospital about two weeks and finally came home. Dad was really missing her. Gabby, Sally and I went to the hospital to go visit. Joel called a lot of times but he had to work his new job at the movie theater or else he would have gone for sure.

Speaking of Joel'ster. He continues to amaze me. He's getting to be some young man. He is working this summer which is new for all of us. He will not be joining us for our annual vacations - at least initially. He may come with us towards the end of the summer. This will be his last year at Lamar and will graduate next May. We are all excited as it is a big accomplishment. He is also getting his driver's license (scary thought). I am going to give him the Landcruiser I think. It's pretty heavy and really safe. I think he'll enjoy it as much as Sally and I have. The alternative is to get him a small truck or something that he can get around in.

Gabby? We'll she is skating very well. This past weekend we all travelled to Austin for the annual Bluebonnet Open. Gabby didn't do as well as she would have liked but her friends, Sarah Bloom and Katelyn Gupton both captured Gold. Last year was Gabby's turn and this year is Sarah and Katelyn. We are all so proud of them. At the end of the competition, we all (including Dorothy) went off to Sea World and Fiesta Texas. I'll have to update you guys on all that fun on my next posting.

