Friday, August 31, 2007

Two for TWO!!!!

Gabby and Bobby passed the 2nd test and are ready to go to Junior Nationals!!!! Woohooo!

This was the first time that I actually saw them skate through their program and I can't say it enough - they continue to amaze me. It really looks like they've been skating together than they actually have.

Don't believe me? Have a look at the video here from our friends over at YouTube. I edited a little bit - changed the music. I only changed the music because I did not have the jazzy music they skated to so I had to improvise. I slowed the video down and added some faded cuts and voila! I set the program to "Fields of Gold". It was Gabby's VERY first skating program music and one of my favorites.

To join the BGs Fanclub...write to Heidi and she'll get you setup. We have T-shirts, mugs, hats, coozies. JUST KIDDING!!!


Thursday, August 23, 2007

And then there were TWO!

Hi All,

I'm very proud to let everyone now that Gabby has added PAIRS to her skating ability. Yes, Dorothy was approached by Kim and Gray Johnson this past week. They had been watching Gabby skating for awhile and Gray had been helping Gabby with her jumps. They asked if Gabby would like to trial skate with their son, Bobby, and see if they were a good match.

I can let you know that things have gone very well. They play off each other and they truly enjoy skating together. Gabby is a bundle of energy and willing to learn and fearless. Bobby is your typical skateboard dude, gamer, and HIM fan. He also happens to be a very good pairs skater, experienced, strong, and sure footed. All important qualifications when lifting 80 lbs of Gabby in the air. Yikes!

I've been watching them all week and they have two critical tests to pass and if they get past THOSE, they'll be on their way to Junior Nationals in Salt Lake City, UT.

Those two - I tell you - are like brother and sister and they like a lot of the same things. Gaming, rock music, telling jokes, and of course, ice skating.

Heidi has taken a liking to the kids and is working up a fan club - herself as president - naturally. The working title for the group is "The BGs" - (BeeGees) - Bobby and Gabby. Ha,ha. It works for me.

Sunday, August 19, 2007

One Test down - One to Go!

Gabby and Bobby passed their first pairs test today. They've only been skating a few days but they look like they've been skating together for years. It's truly amazing to watch those two go through the routine. They watch each other and they keep in sync. Who'd a thunk it?

Only one more test to go. Dorothy is going to try to arrange for the test during practice ice for the Skate Houston competition. It's their only and last chance to pass the second test. Let's see - one chance to pass the test - it's pass the test or wait until next year. Hmm, no pressure.